There are some great looking hairstyles around at the moment but don't make up your mind without taking your face shape into consideration. Very short hair does not suit everyone, nor does long hair, which is probably why medium is quite a popular length.
What you don't want to do is to go from long to short and then find that you regret it. One way around this is to go from long to medium. There are some really good medium length hairstyles around at the moment. In fact, medium length hair looks good in the sedu style. Layering is another option you might consider as this can have a softening effect on the face.
Medium length hair is quite versatile because you can still wear it up or braid it if the fancy takes you. On the other hand, you just might be fed up with messing around with straighteners and hairdryers everyday - in which case, you may want to consider a short style.
Cropped short or cute and curly are about the only styles that don't need much maintenance. When it comes down to it, other than the drying time, medium length hair can take almost as much looking after as long hair. However, if you are determined to have your hair cut, then play it safe and start the ball rolling with one of the latest medium length hairstyles.